That's it.

Yoga nidra is one of the easiest and most effective ways to physically and mentally relax, in turn, helping you to repair and heal your body while you recharge your energy levels.

Falling asleep becomes easier too! Nidra is a deeply soothing and relaxing practice that has a particular way of helping to induce sleep. Many have noticed that after practicing yoga nidra, their minds are a lot more settled and they find it a lot easier to fall asleep and maintain healthier sleep patterns.

Nidra works with the hypnogogic state of mind, similar to hypnosis, but in yoga nidra, the guided experience is one of inner peace, rest and rejuvenation.

Keep reading for more info on how this can improve your mental and physical health!

Guided Yoga Nidra - 5 x Recordings:

5 Special Recordings


15 min

Soften muscle tension and pain.

Find total body lightness, mental elevation from anxiety, recovery, balance and deep relaxation.

Visualisations of floating and bodily ease. 


12 min

Dissolve a busy mind.

Find lightness, openness, self-consolidation and peace.

Excellent for stress and anxiety relief.


20 min

Travel the plains of mind and spirit.

Take a courageous inward journey on a pathway towards letting go, inner peace and deep spiritual connection.

Perfect for spiritual enhancement & body/mind connection.


15 min

Cultivate inner love.

Find warm compassion, affection, openness & contentment.

An effortless expansion of love for yourself and those around you.


20 min

Energetic connection for recuperation & balance.

Cleanse and neutralise energy, with deep body relaxation.

Excellent for physical recovery, frayed nerves and fatigue.

DOWNLOAD 5 Special Recordings

Click Here

Yoga nidra is a guided meditation combining body relaxation and visualisation techniques creating a serene state in the body and mind.

Each nidra is intelligently scripted, utilising techniques which enhance physical and mental relaxation in such a way that it changes brain waves, slows heart rate and drops blood pressure.

The nervous system responds to the change in the mind’s environment and triggers a cascade of chemical responses to slow brain waves, relaxing physical and emotional tension from the inside out.

In simple terms, nidra causes the brain to go from being alert to super relaxed, all while you’re still conscious.


Science of Nidra.


For the benefits.
  • Anyone can do it
  • Reduces stress & anxiety
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Repairs cells
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Regulates hormones
  • Improves brain function
  • Increases vitality
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Deepens self-awareness

Like to know more about yoga nidra?

Chat with Nicky or the Inner Orbit team with any questions or curiosities, we love to talk yoga!

Contact below:


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